lauantai 27. marraskuuta 2021

Kannattaisiko Suomen vetää siitä hätäjarru mekanismista ja ostaa muutamalla tonnilla 3CLPro-estäjää, jakaa sitä kansalaisille

I didn't cancel because a PCR test is required. I've taken many and will continue to do so as needed. But the rapidly changing rules mean much greater risk of getting stuck somewhere. Combined with the risk of becoming the carrier that infects others, prudence says I stay home.#WesternHypocrisy is decrying inflation while y'all r doing ur christmas shopping, while China asks its citizens to store food for winter because YOU are the priority. This is uneven vaccine distribution all over again, except it is will be with every good & product.

1 kommentti:

dudivie kirjoitti...

can't give away such a national asset. We have said it before and repeat that it has not happened. There isn't an ounce of truth wha why

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