Avalanches in late October or early November are extremely unusual in Scotland, especially below 3000 ft. This one, seen yesterday in Glen Clova, shows an impressive debris flow down below 2000 ft. 📷 David Adam.Τις πιο γλυκές ευχές μου για ένα όμορφο απόβραδο Τρίτης, φίλοι μου! Είναι αυτές οι ήρεμες στιγμές που αδειάζεις μυαλό από τις σκοτούρες και ονειρεύεσαι.. Καλή σας νύχτα!🌠🌟🌛🌃💗🌺💋🌹

aamu https://twitter.com/RosaMerilainen/status/1092425714194886658 Τις πιο γλυκές ευχές μου για ένα όμορφο απόβραδο Τρίτης, φίλοι μου! Είναι αυτές οι ήρεμες στιγμές που αδειάζεις μυαλό από τις σκοτούρες και ονειρεύεσαι.. Καλή σας νύχτα!🌠🌟🌛🌃💗🌺💋🌹Video of Swedish Antifa trying to stop a #YellowVests #GiletsJaunes protest in the city of Gothenburg last Saturday.
Antifa sides with the globalists across Europe...
3 kommenttia:
Found a Swedish geography book from 1906 that describes #Finnish as ”generally slow people who never hurry but who are reliable and persistent, who stubbornly continue what they started, who can tolerate great amount of hunger and all kinds of troubles.” #sisu #Finland #neighbors
Jac the Pirate
2. helmik.
Snows nearly all gone. Hope it took some zombies wiv it. RrrraaahhH!
Led by key figure Jerome Rodrigues, an enormous crowd of #GiletsJaunes in #Paris are singing La Marseillaise and waving French Flags right now. Looks like they have yet to receive the memo from the #EuropeanUnion that we're all supposed to be globalists now! #ActeXII
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