2024 Booooooom Illustration Awards Winner: Hoi Chan
For our first-ever Booooooom Illustration Awards, supported by Format, we
selected 5 winners, one for each of the following categories: Editorial,
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4 kommenttia:
https://twitter.com/JoCantello/status/918877314582306817 sheep
"People, are you normal over there?" was directed to Washington, DC.
"We're awaiting Trump's reaction," the hosts say.
https://www.google.gr/maps/place/Glas+Tulaichean/@56.5568891,-4.2999612,9.21z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x488607f49a56cdf1:0x1d0c681aff302530!8m2!3d56.86575!4d-3.5581666!5m1!1e4 kaurislaumai
ückkehrer/returnees from IS/ISIS:
Tunesien/Tunisia 800
Saudi-Arabien/Saudi Arabia 760
GB/UK 425
Russland/Russia 400
Frankreich/France 302
Deutschland/Germany 300
Jordanien/Jordan 250
Marokko/Morocco 236
Tadschikistan/Tajikistan 147
Belgien/Belgium 123
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