Hoidan nää museokahvihommat nyt alta pois, niin ehdin sitten eläkkeellä elostella paremmin ruotsinristeilyillä ja Fugessa. government pumped millions of dollars into new programs for sports, music, arts and dance. Kids needed to feel like they were part of something. And they needed to find the “natural high”The ‘microfoundations’ metaphor had been used by mainstream macroeconomists with the intention of explaining macroeconomics in terms of microeconomics, or more precisely in terms of statements about individuals, viewed as representative agents with rational expectations who maximise lifetime utility, subject to shocks within a general equilibrium framework. Of the three reasons for rejecting this explanatory strategy, the focus here is on downward causation. Although individuals are heavily influenced by society, their decisions and behaviour are not sufficient as the explanatory foundations for a macrotheory.
Crace J (2008) The map who mapped the heart

22.7. Tapasin ensimmäistä kertaa sisko(puole)ni, jonka olemassaolosta sain tietää vuosi sitten. Käytiin mm. tsekkaamassa Musta Pispala!https://twitter.com/Funwithmydog/status/889091988779188224
2 kommenttia:
Vielä yksi päivä Vesijärven hyisissä aalloissa ja suomen kielen kylvyssä, joka tekee hyvää ranskanmuuraamille aivoilleni. #kesä
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