Kevätmuutto käy kiivaana, mutta pesimäkausikin on alkanut. Korpit, monet pöllöt, viherpeipot ja töyhtötiaiset hautovat jo.

rchis SEE Network Kai Vöckler initiated with support from the Culture Programme the Exhibtion “Balkanology – New Architecture and Urban Phenomena” which brings together leading architects and urban planners from South Eastern Europe and shows their approaches to fundamental urban transformations.Future Practice: Conversations from the Edge of Architecture`````kirja en oikein tieä. archis foundationfile:///C:/Users/User/Downloads/V%C3%B6ckler_Archis%20Interventions%20(1).pdf what do u know about pathology of others!? other countries order values,
1 kommentti:
imiksi minä kaipaan valtiota. no syntymävuoteni takia
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