Bilderberg isn´t a secret society, never was????????????????????????

. Perhaps in the eyes of the population, but what we did is we kept our topics and decision to ourselves. We are not an evil. I do not have an all-seeing eye. My ancestors only made sure the Eye is on the [U.S.] dollar bill. Bilderberg is no conspiracy, but people and conspiracists with their infantile fantasies see it as such. None of you, and I don’t care how powerful you are, sit around the table in a dark room, holding hands, staring at a crystal ball, planning the world´s future. The exuberant myth created by conspiracy theorists, journalists, and media moguls has been fabricated about the image of the Bilderberg. But are they really the cause of our consequences? Didn’t we involve ourselves into this luxurious secretive, mystical image? Going back in time, I am today in conversation with a certain controversial researcher who studied the Illuminati for more than 2 decades [Fritz Springmeier]. I respect this gentleman for his courage and vision. I want to change history. I do believe that mankind has a right to their future. The population is frustrated, manipulated, and demoralized by their own leaders. They live in their own Cartesian fantasies with the hope God will sent a messiah to save their soul! God has other plans with humanity. He creates the balance between good and evil. Time changes: and I am glad to feel those changes. I feel a general awareness and singularities of awaken ones….People are beginning to ask me the good questions.
Their main question is „what is right?” Ladies and gentlemen,
Let me welcome you at the 60nd edition of the Bilderberg meeting here in Copenhagen.. Since the creation of the Bilderberg meeting back in 1954, my father [William Gerrit Van Duyn], HRH Prince Bernhard of Lippe-Biesterfeld, Henry Kissinger, decided to organize an event to unite different entities from industry, politics and culture. After the fourth Meeting back in 1958, the Bilderberg members put together the conditions of the Treaty of Rome. It was finally signed and the European Community was born with 6 States members. Today the European Community contents 28 countries. And today the Bilderbergers advise 134 states members.
Today, my speech will be officially published by our new enemy : the Media
It´s a phenomenon of response and reaction to an overly felt perception that the entire world is doomed to catastrophe, poverty, injustice and misery. What makes the Bilderberg so strong? It is because of its perseverance. Members are coming and leaving, guests come and go but the system grows stronger and stronger. No president, no king, no dictator, nor prime minister dares to criticize my name nor the Bilderbergers, and they know they are the puppets of the powerful Illuminati working from behind the scenes..

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