Figure 2. The bulk space(time) corresponding to the contour of figure 1, with the operators now inserted on the bundary of the bulk space.
Sidereal time is a measure of the position of the Earth in its rotation around its axis, or time measured by the apparent diurnal motion of the vernal equinox, which is very close to, but not identical to, the motion of stars. there is one less solar day per year than there are sidereal days
In a recent article Dr. Peter Sturrock has presented an interesting series of analyses of a
catalog of x sightings (Sturrock 2004), leading to his observation that “the event rate
appears to depend upon local sidereal time.” Sturrock’s work stimulated our interest in
expanding the analysis to a second catalog, using a different approach to the calculations
while extending it to a critique of the statistical effects present in the data. Indeed, as
Sturrock observes, the complexity of the subject is such that multiple approaches to the
same problem are warranted.
Kielletyt viivat ovat normaalioloissa esiintymättömiä spektriviivoja, joita syntyy spektriin hyvin harvassa kaasussa.
A correlation between the frequency of reported sightings and some astronomical
parameter, such as the periodic approach of certain planets or a particular celestial
orientation, would be an important factor in forming hypotheses about the nature of the
x phenomenon and its possible extraterrestrial origin. Sidereal time is especially
interesting in this regard since it provides an indication of which stars or other celestial
objects are at the zenith of that location (or along its meridian) at the time of the
observation. If x sightings tended to occur at a particular value of the local sidereal
time this might mean that a specific celestial source was involved in the phenomenon.
Therefore searches for extraterrestrial signals (such as SETI) might be conducted in the
part of the sky in question.
The first researcher who noticed a potential correlation of this type was Dr. Claude Poher
(Poher 1973). More recently Dr. Donald Johnson, a co-author of the xCAT catalogue
(Johnson & Saunders 2002) conducted a statistical study of the local sidereal time
Jacques F.Vallee Are Events related to Sidereal Time ? page 2
distribution for the occurrence of CE2 events (close encounters with physical effects).
Johnson found the distribution of figure 1, with a peak at 14:00 hours. Johnson also found
a similar peak between 13:00 and 16:00 hours for close encounters of the Third Type
(CE3 events) with Chi-square significance at the level of p less than .0000001.
K-beta emissions, similar to K-alpha emissions, result when an electron transitions to the innermost "K" shell (principal quantum number 1) from a 3p orbital of the second or "M" shell (with principal quantum number 2).
Values can be found in the X-Ray Transition Energies Database. 4060
Kaavassa t on seinäkelloaika, LK eli pituusastekorjaus on Suomessa suurimmillaan +40min (Ahvenanmaalla) ja pienimmillään nolla 30. pituuspiirillä (Lieksan tienoolla idässä). Jos seinäkelloaika on kesäajassa, KA eli kesäaikakorjaus on -1 tunti, muulloin nolla. Viimeinen termi ET (equation of time) on ajantasaus. Sen suuruus vaihtelee melko monimutkaisesti ja on Suomessa -14 – +16 minuuttia. Yllä olevaa tähtiaikakaavaa käyttäessä sen voi jättää huomiotta.
Figure 1. LST distribution of CE2 events from xCAT
(shown here on a 24-hour clock)
In these studies the peak comes at times that are different from those found by Poher and
Sturrock. In order to conduct an independent analysis we started from the same basis as
in the Sturrock study and extended it to a catalog of French cases. The Sturrock results
are based on a catalog known simply as *U* published by Mr. Larry Hatch (Hatch 2001).
The version we used contained 17,757 records and was released on 23 July 2001. The last
event recorded in this catalog was dated 20-Jan-2001.
The Hatch catalog runs on any personal computer equipped with DOS and can be readily
understood even by the casual user. As the analysis proceeds with increasing
sophistication the catalog reveals many layers of useful data, under a consistent coding
system. Mr. Hatch has compiled it from the best-available sources in the literature and
has refined the list by comparing these sources among them, resolving issues such as
date, time and location. Over the years he has continued to add new cases and to remove
entries that seemed dubious as new information came to light.
Tähtiaika Θ on kevättasauspisteen tuntikulma. Nimensä mukaisesti tähtiaikaa mitataan tunteina (h), minuutteina (min tai m) ja sekunteina (s). Kevättasauspisteen ollessa suoraan etelässä tarkkailijasta katsoen on tähtiaika 0h. Tähtiaika kertoo taivaanpallon asennon suhteessa tarkkailijaan ja samalla tähtiajan hetkellä tähtitaivas on havaitsijaan nähden samassa asennossa. Maapallon pyörähdys akselinsa ympäri tähtiavaruuden suhteen kestää tasan 24 tähtiaikatuntia eli yhden tähtivuorokauden eli sideerisen vuorokauden. Tämän pyörähdyksen kesto on 23 tuntia, 56 minuuttia ja 4,090530833 sekuntia. Tähtivuorokausi on siis noin 4 minuuttia lyhempi kuin ajanlaksun perustana oleva aurinkovuorokausi, jonka kuluttua sama maapallon pituuspiiri on kääntyneenä kohti aurinkoa. Ero johtuu siitä, että vuorokauden aikana Maa ehtii jo kiertää noin asteen verran kaarevaa rataansa Auringon ympäri.
Tähtiajan laskeminen
Periaatteessa tähtiajan laskeminen on melko monimutkaista. Sidereus Nuncius (usually translated into English as Sidereal Messenger, although Starry Messenger and Sidereal Message are also seen) is a short treatise published in New Latin by Galileo Galilei in March 1610.In his observations of the Moon, Galileo observed that the line separating lunar day from night (the terminator) was smooth where it crossed the darker regions of the moon, but quite irregular where it crossed the brighter areas. From this observation, he deduced that the darker regions are flat, low-lying areas, while the brighter regions are rough and covered with mountains. Based on the distance of sunlit mountaintops from the terminator, he estimated that the lunar mountains were at least 4 miles in height.
A forbidden mechanism or forbidden line is a concept in physics/chemistry. It is a spectral line emitted by atoms undergoing energy transitions not normally allowed by the selection rules of quantum mechanics. In chemistry, "forbidden" means absolutely impossible due to natural laws, but with the assumption of an ideal symmetry. In physics it means that the process cannot proceed via the most efficient (electric dipole) route.
if one doesnt believe in god, suppose life is automatic
i must say that after believin i found it automatic..