or she ll come or im not go. internet kehitettiin ydinsodan pelossa. The battle will rage most fiercely around the question of sex... Mankind must learn that the sexual instinct is in its true nature ennobling. The shocking evils which we all deplore are principally due to the perversion produced by suppressions. The feeling that it is shameful and the sense of sin cause concealment, which is ignoble, and internal conflict which creates distortion, neurosis, and ends in explosion. We deliberately produce an abscess, and wonder why it is full of pus, why it hurts, why it bursts in stench and corruption...
Varoitus liikenteeseen: Ajokeli paikoin erittäin huono
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Artikkeli Varoitus liikenteeseen: Ajokeli paikoin erittäin huono
julkaistiin ensimmäisen kerran Verkk...
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