torstai 30. syyskuuta 2010

The B God is present, on this shrine-world. He is watching. He is feeding. The psykers engage the avatar in an attempt to dim its presence, but ar

all time feel
E A T I N G no. like those hungry feelings, tou. sunny garden, my greens
have nice hair, thanks to u. life lakes.

keskiviikko 29. syyskuuta 2010

its midnight its october . . we experience the precence of a uniform colour that strictly speaking we do not see and its too hot to wear any cloths . . should be happy, yes ? peoples have goals. guess should have
my goal is not to hear the conversation (every night)thats going on in our yard. and i listen blip all ha tom jones . theres this guy studyi8ng masculinity metaphors in Swedish radical right populism sitä aina unohtaa että elämän tarkoitus on kuluttaa

tiistai 28. syyskuuta 2010

Sovereignty is a highly controversial concept in political science and social theories, offering a full array of issues to be analysed. In recent

the the detailed history of the future, Aeschylus' The Egyptians, the exact number of times that the waters of the Ganges have reflected the flight of a falcon, the secret and true nature of Rome, the encyclopedia Novalis would have constructed, my dreams and half-dreams at dawn on August 14, 1994, the proof of Pierre Fermat's theorem, the unwritten chapters of Edwin Drood, those same chapters translated into the language spoken by the Garamantes, the paradoxes Berkeley invented concerning Time but didn't publish, Urizen's books of iron, the premature epiphanies of Stephen Dedalus, which would be meaningless before a cycle of a thousand years, the Gnostic Gospel of Basilides, the song the sirens sang, the complete catalog of the Library, the proof of the inaccuracy of that catalog. Everything:

maanantai 27. syyskuuta 2010

is it raining
Did I tell you we're painting the veranda blue? I always think of Karate Kid when I paint
no, its thirty every day We are all chimeras, theorized and fabricated hybrids of machine and organism; in short, cyborgs

Complex systems are fascinating because emergent phenomena are often unpredictable and appear to arise ex nihilo. other side of this fascination is difficulty in comprehendi n g

Chandra Wickramasinghe is Professor of Applied Mathematics and Astronomy at Cardiff University. He is the Director of the Cardiff Centre for Astrobiology. Born and educated in Sri Lanka, he currently lives in Cardiff, Wales, UK.

He was a student and collaborator of Sir Fred Hoyle. Their joint work on the infrared spectra of interstellar grains led to developing the modern theory of panspermia. This theory proposes that cosmic dust in the interstellar medium and in comets is partly organic, and that life on Earth was 'seeded' from space rather than arising through abiogenesis.

perjantai 24. syyskuuta 2010

Suomi on ajautunut liberaalin hyssyttelyn tilaan

kiva kuorrutus M E NE S T Y K S E en mutta
kansojen välinen sosialismi ON TULOSSA
marketin be l i eves taht money keeps everything Going. it doesnt. its people. we must make a revolution against the money system hey believe everyone can learn everything

torstai 23. syyskuuta 2010

Talouskasvun vastustaminen tuntuu ihmisistä edistyksen vastustamiselta.


The purpose of this thesis is to demonstrate that metaphysics is a necessary discipline –
necessary in the sense that all areas of philosophy, all areas of science, and in fact any
type of rational activity at all would be impossible without a metaphysical background
or metaphysical presuppositions. Because of the extremely strong nature of this claim, it
is not possible to put forward a very simple argument, although I will attempt to
construct one. A crucial issue here is what metaphysics in fact is – the nature of

tiistai 21. syyskuuta 2010

An aggregate is a collection of items that are gathered together to form a total quantity.

yeah i had grapes
what a shoch
what shock
the grapes D O S S A P P E A R E D sleeping is a very interesting hobby. i feel very nice when im sleeping
( remember a days at kolonaki)
also a letter - dissappeared from thou door

addiktiot kapitalismissa ? onhan niit' . . mulla on ilmane addiktio. eiks me niinku sanota ettei rakkaus tarvii rahaa. mies oi ulkoistaa itsensa. lapset kyll;. nainen on sit' tehnyt aina v'ltt'myyden pakosta.
suomalainen intellektuelli. ei intellekti elä kapitalissa aikä palöjon muuallakaan. keskustelusta syntyy jotain. ja olen optimisti.

lauantai 18. syyskuuta 2010

sidotko sinä minua

am running to vote for the future. i donno how many lies anticipated in Real life its easy
a serious thing missing from medi terra is Piimäattempt to break down conditioned associations, to look at the world in a way, with many models recognized as maps, and with no one elevated absolute
berg created what has come to be called 'metaphorology', which states that what lies under metaphors and language modisms, is the nearest to the truth (and the farthest from ideologies). His last works, especially "Sorrow Crossing the River" (Die Sorge geht über den Fluss), are attempts to apprehend human reality

perjantai 17. syyskuuta 2010

US is in a Religious War, a sort of Christian Jihad, fueled n led by fanatics . It s guerilla warfare on a global scale, with no front lines and no identifiable enemy

you can see i

torstai 16. syyskuuta 2010


Donald drives his car with a light, percussive rhythm. After pressing on the gas pedal for a second, he lets up briefly, and then presses back down again. Down. Release. Down. Release. The tempo doesn’t vary.
his focus returning to the road ahead, or tuned to some inner monologue. Given his tendency to close his eyes for long moments when he speaks, is the safe choice.
the cycle of stupidity maybe perfect. i / must brakeit or it/ ll be broken or
i dont know
or its not there haha

hyvää huomenta hyvää huomneta hyvää huomenta

Thoughts on Flat Ontology
On September 15, 2010, In Uncategorized, By

I’m currently working on a paper whose theme is morphing from the ethics of ‘becoming posthuman’ to the implications for posthumanism of embracing a flat ontology. This post is part of my attempt to clarify the conceptual degrees of freedom involved in the idea of flat ontology before applying it to the specific field of the posthuman.

The term ‘flat ontology’ was coined by Manuel DeLanda in his book Intensive Science and Virtual Philosophy. Flat ontologies are opposed there to hierarchical ontologies in which the structure and evolution of reality is explained by transcendent organizing principles such essences, organizing categories or natural states:

[While] an ontology based on relations between general types and particular instances is hierarchical, each level representing a different ontological category (organism, species, genera), an approach in terms of interacting parts and emergent wholes leads to a flat ontology, one made exclusively of unique, singular individuals, differing in spatio-temporal scale but not in ontological status (DeLanda 2004, p. 58).

In a flat ontology the organization of entities is explained with reference to interactions between particular, historically locatable entities. It is never the result of entities of one ontological kind being related to an utterly different order of being like a God, a transcendental subject, a natural state or its associated species essences (Sober 1980). For flat ontologies, the factors which motivate macro-level change are always emergent from and ‘immanent’ to the systems in which the change occurs.

DeLanda’s characterization of flat ontology comes during a discussion of the ontological status of species in which he sides with philosophers of biology like David Hull and Elliot Sober who hold that species are differentiated populations that emerge from variations among organisms and the evolutionary feedback processes these drive (DeLanda 2004, 60). For DeLanda, evolutionary feedback instances a universal tendency whereby identifiable things and their properties emerge from intensive or (or productive) differences (Ibid., 70). Thus the formation of soap bubbles depends on the tendency of component molecules to assume a lower a state of free energy, thereby minimizing inter-molecular distances and cancelling the forces exerted on individual molecules by their neighbors (Ibid., 15). The process instantiates an abstract tendency for systems with large amounts of free energy to ‘roll down’ to some macrostate attractor. Thus for DeLanda’s ontology (following Deleuze) individuals are not products of the operations of a Kantian/Husserlian transcendental subject but of the cancellation of intensive differences and the generative processes they drive. These processes are governed by mathematical structures – e.g. ‘virtual’ attractors or ‘singularities’ – which are ‘quasi-causal’ influences on their trajectory through a particular state space (Ibid., 14).

How do we reconcile this second ontological claim (which I will refer to as ‘transcendental materialism’) with an adherence to a flat ontology of individuals. Is ontological flatness merely a regional principle applying to the ‘bits’ of the universe where differentiated particulars have already emerged from intensive processes? Moreover, if these processes are explained in terms of the virtual structures they exhibit, such as their singularities, doesn’t TM just reintroduce an ontological hierarchy between particular and universal?*

Graham Harman argues that the quasi-causal role of the abstract or virtual in DeLanda’s thought vitiates its commitment to a flat ontology for which “atoms have no more reality than grain markets or sports franchises” (Harman 2008, 370). Thus while depriving species and kinds of any ontological role, DeLanda inflates the role of the ‘genus’ in the form of virtual patterns (such as the relationship between the topology of systems and their capacity for autocatalysis explored of Stuart Kauffman and others). Secondly, subordinating individuals to their historical generative processes is seen by Harman as a way of ‘undermining’ the status of the particular or individual, which – against the letter of flat ontology – is somehow less real or effective than the intensive processes that produce it.

I think Harman does contemporary philosophers a favour by anatomizing these tensions within DeLanda’s materialism. However, it is far from clear to me that we should want to move further towards an ontology in which deep individuals and their (largely non-manifest) capacities play a central role in the interests of approaching some regulative ideal of ontological flatness. It may be that generative histories are relevant only insofar as they leave ”lasting fingerprints” on the individuals they generate (Ibid.,374). However, if DeLanda’s (and Deleuze’s) transcendental materialism is correct, then any resultant individual will always be – as Iain Grant emphasized in a recent talk – a fragile achievement, fatally involved in the play of further intensities. There is no reason why flat ontologies have to be individualist. The individuals and the wider category of the ‘particular’ are often conflated. The latter category may contain events, ‘diffusions’ or collectives: all of which may be insufficiently differentiated to qualify for objecthood (Roden 2004, p. 204). The cancellation of intensive quantities can certainly be accommodated within the category of particular events without threatening flatness (whether this is an orthodox Deleuzean solution doesn’t concern me). Secondly, insofar as the virtual laws of form which DeLanda describes reflect the mathematical structure of morphogenetic processes or systems, then its ontological autonomy does not violate the autonomy of the particular. It simply reflects constraints consequent on kinds of material organization.

So a provisional conclusion, here, is that we can retain the role of structural ‘quasi-causes’ and reject the primacy of individuals without compromising the regulative ideal of ontological flatness.

DeLanda, Manuel. (2009), Intensive Science and Virtual Philosophy. London: Continuum.

Harman, Graham (2008), ‘Delanda’s Ontology: assemblage and realism’, Continental Philosophy Review 41, 367-383.

Roden, David. (2004), ‘Radical Quotation and Real Repetition’, Ratio: An international journal of analytic philosophy, XVII/2 (2004), pp. 191–206.

Sober, Elliot (1980) ‘Evolution, Population Thinking and Essentialism’, Philosophy of Science 47(3), pp. 350-383.

*We could also ask: is the cancellation of intensive difference merely a regional principle applying to various kinds of thermodynamic systems rather than, say, to more fundamental physical entities or structures?

keskiviikko 15. syyskuuta 2010

Arvosana tieteissä tulisi antaa sellaisille, joilla on esittää kysymyksiä vaikkei vastuksia olisikaan

arvosana tietesissä tulisi antaa niille, jotka ovat kiinnostuneita uusista vastauksista

Syksyinen keskiviikkoiltapäivä sähköistyi Helsinki-Vantaalla, kun maailman suurin matkustajakone, Airbus A380 piipahti lentokentällä parin tunnin ajan. Visiitti synnytti lentokonebongareiden, anteeksi spottareiden, joukossa pienimuotoista hysteriaa ja median edustajatkin tuntuivat olevan enemmän tai vähemmän täpinöissään majesteettisen kulkupelin käynnistä.

Lufthansa testasi Pohjoismaihin suuntautuneella opetuslennollaan, sopisivatko täkäläiset kentät jättiläiskoneelle tarpeen vaatiessa varakentäksi. Paikalla olleen silmin vaikutti siltä, että sopisivat. Ainakin saimme nähdä, kuinka kone laskeutui kauniisti ja rullasi pysähtymispaikalleen kiitotie 2:n päähän sen suuremmitta ongelmitta.

Tiedotusvälineiden edustajina olimme siitä onnellisessa asemassa, että pääsimme seuraamaan laskeutumista paraatipaikalle pääkiitoradan kupeeseen. Paikalla oli bussilastillinen toimittajia ja valokuvaajia, jotka kurkottelivat pitkillä putkillaan kohti koneen odotettua tulosuuntaa. Lentokentän väki sai paimentaa innokkaita kuvaajia pysymään sallitulla kuvausalueella.

Pulleata valasta muistuttavan kaksikerroksisen koneen tervetuloseremonioihin kuului sammutusautojen vesisuihkuilla muodostama kunniakuja. Ilmassa oli juhlan tuntua, kun pysähtymispaikkaansa kohti rullanneen koneen ohjaamosta hulmautettiin auki Suomen lippu.

Siniristilippu oli näkyvissä myös, kun koneen kapteeni ja lentoyhtiön edustajat astelivat portaita alas kättelemään Helsinki-Vantaan johtoa. Ensimmäinen yritys tosin epäonnistui, sillä median edustajat kyyköttivät vielä bussissaan. Niinpä tervetulotoivotus otettiin uusiksi, jotta ele saataisiin varmuudella talletettua digikameroiden muistikorteille.

Itse kone oli hulppea, se kai täytyy myöntää. Yläkerroksessa oli ylelliset tilat kahdeksalle ensimmäisen luokan matkustajalle sekä hieman suuremmalle joukolle liikematkustajia. Väljää oli, ja mukavan tuntuista. Sen nähtyään alakerran turistiluokasta sai täyteen ahdetun kuvan: yhdellä rivillä oli aina kymmenen vierekkäistä paikkaa.

Ohjaamoonkin pääsi kurkistamaan pienen jonotuksen jälkeen. Pilotti vastaili kysymyksiin kohteliaasti, mutta vaikutti siltä, että päivä oli ollut jo pitkä - olihan kone käynyt ennen Helsinkiä jo Kööpenhaminassa ja Tukholmassa.

A380:n Helsingin-vierailu oli näyttävä julkisuustempaus paitsi Lufthansalle, joka pääsi esittelemään medialle superlatiivien konettaan, myös itse Helsinki-Vantaan lentokentälle. Mitään suurempaa jälkeä käynti ei silti näillä näkymin jätä, sillä ilmojen jättiläistä ei tulla näkemään Suomessa usein.

Konkreettisimpana muistona mediatapahtumasta jäi loppujen lopuksi Lufthansan logolla varustettu kaulassa riippuva vierailijatunnus, jossa on suurin kirjaimin teksti "I have been onboard an A380!" - "olen ollut A380:n kyydissä". Siinä sitä onkin kertomista lapsenlapsille!

Love is the greatest wealth

theres a mountain on the west side n we loose the sun at five
but i remember some sunbeams forty years

lauantai 11. syyskuuta 2010

I used to have super powers but the psychiatrist took them all away.

Mieleesi tulevat kaksi asiaa joista keskenään tappelevat. sinun on soluttauduttu niiden välistä voittajaksi, huolettomaksi
mahdollisimman monia ratkaisuja yhteen kysymykseen ja niista aika valitsee rauhssa, niistä
koskaan ei ole kiire vaikka muuta väitetään, koskaan ✈ ✈ ▌▌

perjantai 10. syyskuuta 2010

Talous ei voi enää perustua kuluttamiseen, Yhdysvalloissakaan , vaan keskitytään tuottamiseen, teollisuuteen. mutta miten se auttaa asiaa. jollei sitten tuoteta jotain järkevämäpää kuin aikaisemmin. on vallinnut työnjako ..US takes loan from asia. china buys machines and steel from europe. US lost the trust. the price of energy has a link between US and Finland. this is up down

here is an orange round metal and There a yellow bottle of wine
here. a kitchen
there no nothing ithink she akss for progress isnt it. so what can ui make out of this yellow and orange thing. one can destroye the other in so many ways. they can be friend s but waht comes OUT
found it. another orange has JUICEE. and the yellow bottle air with WATER.

asubject its all in how why now, you. you are present, arent . heres quite calm. im no running to . evenings ar e nice cus its 27 degrees with air. dont u have degrees. girly was sleeping from the morning till evening and wake up with the call. eyey

Said one of the women in an interview, “We were on Wyoming in our car when all of a sudden everything began moving in slow motion, including pedestrians, other automobiles, their drivers and passengers. For example, it took one businessman we observed 45 minutes to adjust his tie. A raindrop needed fifteen minutes to descend ten feet. Then, as we passed through Exeter, life returned to normal speed.

sunnuntai 5. syyskuuta 2010

vapaaehtoinen maailma. ei minulla ole vastausta. perunat voi skyllä olla kaikille ilmasia. hedelmiä vois olla ja poronlöihaa.
slower place , quick
Capt. Anthony Nelson (Larry Hagman) is on a rocket, on a space mission. During re-entry in a one-man capsule named Stardust One, things go awry and he has to make an emergency landing on a desert. he finds a bottle that seems to move. When he opens it, smoke pours out, and a c-year-old beautiful blonde-haired girl named Jeannie (Barbara Eden) appears, dressed in "harem" clothing and speaking in Persian shocked at first, realizes she's a genie, and that she can get him off the island. However, the language barrier between them is such that he can't get Jeannie to understand what a helicopter is, I must find a way to please thee, Master!"}. She makes it quite clear that she is a genie she gets it right.

Vaikka naaraiden sukusolut pärjäisivät oivasti omillaan, ne janoavat koirassukusolujen seuraa. Tämä on ymmärrettävissä monimutkaisten matemaattisten mallien avulla.

Oikoen ja tiivistäen: ei pidä laittaa munia koriin. Korinjakajansa naarassukusolu hankkii. Siksi naaraana oleminen on puhtainta olemista. Siksi naaras on tasaisempi sukupuoli. Ihmislajilla naaraita kutsutaan naisiksi, vaikka parempi sana olisi v

Koiraiden sukusolut ovat pieniä ja yksinkertaisia. Keulassa on räjäytyspanos, keskellä tärkeä lasti, perässä moottori ja potkuri. Ainoana tavoitteena näillä täsmäohjuksilla on hakeutua naa

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