lauantai 27. helmikuuta 2010

the “hive" has in some wayd limited my tr creative spirit. have joined groups and internet "colonies" in an effort to become part of the mass consciousness, anyways t once hilarious and stimulating,

humorist Emily Levine pulls from her own personal observations and philosophies to deliver a highly entertaining and intelligent lecture on science, society, math, the human condition, and their intersections. Like all whip-smart commentators on the state of the world, she delights in offering up alternative perspectives and cogent arguments against some of the shakier theories people believe. Rationality and analysis form the cornerstone of her discussion, peppered liberally with warm, insightful humor.

perjantai 26. helmikuuta 2010


this is a house of three floor in the city of 20 000, near the football stadium
Hockey atmosphere of the heart.
Hockey is heavily involved together and making the team in front of every provision.

Ice Hockey (including "Ice hockey", "Ryhmärusettiluistelu", "Höntsäily" and "Kendo") is a Canadian born at the end of the last ice age, comparable to the fun and happy parlor game in which the objective is not to win but bb and good sporting spirit of the opponent within the rules. In addition to this game trying by all means, ignore the rules, get a rubber tile second round, the team goal. The game is particularly well suited for some.
Table of Contents

* 1 General
* 2 The public's role
* 3 The judges, or the visually impaired
* 4 Famous players
* 5 External links


Ice hockey is Canada's National Socialist empire dominating play. In nature it is a martial sport. Species are struggling with essentially the seating locations. The game has two teams and a lot of numbered c such as these accessories sonnistautuneita players. They were not numbered reserved seats. In fact, the benches are less than the players. Some of the players joutuukin seat pending the release of a fenced field.
Prehistoric ice hockey

Feeling of enclosure is the most difficult: the field is frozen, slippery and dangerous for the players feet are bound metals items with shoes. In addition, the other team players tönivät all the time, trying to käyräpäisillä, mailoiksi called puudildoillaan get all the joy out of the situation.

The game has two players, have not been allowed to sit at all. They seisoskelevat fencing at both ends of boxes from the network built or paint in front of pyllistellen. They are called the goalkeeper. Paddock turn, players try to hit these in a black rubber disc, which is captured bats to that effect. If the goalkeeper has managed väistelemään wheel well throughout the game, he might just get to sit at the end of the game and his replacement will be sent by another miserable wretch.
Hockey basic expression.

Ice hockey is a good spectator sport. Viewers have two important functions. First, the viewer is closely monitored to that effect black wheel. If the paddock with the player does not hit goalie puck, wheel slip, but finish, the grandstand is a lightning-fast response.

If the viewer supports the team, the puck hit the finish line, the viewer is a loud cry as "offside". If the viewer supports another team, can not cry about anything. The main thing is the fact that the loud cries and something that may not be obvious. For example, "Ooooh-haa-haa-möää" is the preferred auction. The viewer must also stand up and flail their hands. If viewers are sitting side by side shouting different things, is a martial sport lofty principles of the punch neighbor, for example, a bottle of beer.

Spectator second task is to identify me with the minorities. The type of fanatical supporters are all qualified by law to identify the teamsThe game progresses quite many players from the stands greeted iloisilla and Energize "homoo-o '-huudoilla ... Worth noting, however, that probably will not hear anyone screaming, but the call raises an appropriately ego.
The judges, or the visually impaired

Another significant minority in the paddock are visually impaired, also called "sieve", "nerd", etc. They do not fall into either of the team, so try to organize a tough team to disputes between paiskaamalla disc players, and then the middle (probably called the intro), and the battle is finished. Lay people to distinguish these blind persons from actual players that they have a black and white shirts, (look zebras), and they toikkaroivat the ground back and forth with no goal. They are also the only people (if not now viilata by commas, yes, men too called into pigs), a paddock, where you can apply for seats in a private booth. If you are very kind, you might also sit out the next game and I get to laugh the other unhappy who have to stand there for a paddock. So go ahead as soon as such a zebra nähtyäsi to go a little tönäisemässä him, not just sitting, but also on the grounds that he deserved it.

torstai 25. helmikuuta 2010

I remember the hours
that leaked carelessly
into a minute

Kansainvälinen valuuttarahasto on myös tukenut moraalitonta velkaa muun muassa Argentiinassa, mikä tuhosi kohtuullisen rikkaan maan talouden.[1]

Kolmen riippumattoman yliopistotutkijan mukaan Kansainvälisen valuuttarahaston kehitysohjelmat ovat edistäneet tuberkuloosin leviämistä Itä-Euroopassa ja entisissä Neuvostoliiton maissa. Tutkimuksen mukaan usein lainoja saavat maat ovat supistaneet terveydenhoitomenojaan täyttääkseen lainoille asetetut ehdot.[2] IMF:n vastineen mukaan tutkimuksessa oli useita puutteita, joista vakavimmat koskivat taloudellisten olosuhteiden huomioonottamista ennen järjestön mukaantuloa.

.."Being a vampire is a definitive condition of the soul. It is marked by a non-human spirit within a human body. An immortal soul in a mortal shell. A vampire is also linked to the draining of vital force, known as Ka , but the need for energy alone is not enough to describe a real vampire. The actions and techniques behind vampirism are not exclusive to vampires, given that many other beings can manipulate energy and also have the ability to drain the life force of others. This does not qualify them as vampires, when they are only humans practicing the arts of vampirism.
There are many situations that may lead someone into acts of vampirism, from circumstances as simple and mundane as stress and depression, to more subtle conditions like what is described as sympathetic vampirism. In this case, a human may start to metaphysically impersonate a vampire after being drained for an extended period of time, or by the means of deep feeding. This does not turn the individual into an actual vampire, but just reflects a human acting vampirically.
Another common mistake, and often passed along as truth by the less knowledgeable of the mysteries within the vampire gnosis, is that the nature of the vampire can be explained by damaged chakras, where this inner defect was caused to their subtle systems long ago. Those situations of wounded souls and metaphysical handicaps are true, but they do not describe real vampires. They represent mere humans with a damaged soul.
Vampires are beings of oneness and completeness. Beings of purity and evolution. They should not be misunderstood as humans with a damaged Self or a poorly working chakra - known as Shen in the Asetian culture.".._-_
For ages long past humans have defined the x as predators of mankind... However their true nature lies hidden far deeper than what the word can express. They ...immortal beings, owners of a strong mysterious allure, powerful metaphysical abilities, and an impressive intellect. They are beings of a silent spirituality, a noble sense of loyalty and a paramount understanding of the foundations of the Universe.
Lehtomäki haluaa BKT:tä parempia mittareita kehitykselle

sunnuntai 21. helmikuuta 2010

Trying to understand Гейтс прав: Европа слишком мало денег кидает в топку американского ВПК. не любит диету :)

Finnairin matkustajareittiliikenteen pitkäaikainen lempilapsi Boeing MD-11 -laajarunkokone siirtyy historiaan. Finnair oli ensimmäinen yhtiö, joka otti MD-11-mallin käyttöön vuonna 1990. Koneen kohtaloksi muodostui lopulta sen janoisuus. MD-11-lentäjien päällikölle Rabbe-Holger Wredelle MD-11 tulee silti olemaan ikuisesti maailman paras lentokone.

Boeing MD-11 –koneita on valmistettu kaikkiaan 200. Finnairin laivastoon on vuosien aikana kuulunut seitsemän yksilöä. Maanantaina 22.2 konetyypillä lennetään viimeinen reittilento AY022 Delhistä Suomeen.

- Kyllä tässä tippa silmään tulee. Tämä on loistava työkalu, johon liittyy paljon muistoja, sanoo lentokapteeni Rabbe-Holger Wrede.

Wreden intohimoinen suhtautuminen MD-11-konetyyppiin ei lentoalalla kummastuta. Pilottien mielestähän aina juuri se konetyyppi, jolla sattuu itse lentämään, on samalla myös se kaikkein paras.

- Tämä on kokonaissuoritukseltaan loistava kone, tässä on hyvä teho-hyötysuhde. Tässäkään koneessa ei ole muita heikkouksia kuin, että se vähän janoisempi kuin lentokoneiden tuorein kärki.

Koneteknologian aivan terävintä kärkeä Finnair saa vielä tovin odottaa. Airbus A350–malli on luvassa osaksi laivastoa vuonna 2014. Siihen saakka kaukoliikenteen valtikka on nykyisillä Airbus A330- ja A340–malleilla.

lauantai 20. helmikuuta 2010

movie genre mou, animation As women we like to hear our guy say nice things to us. men need to hear the same type of words

perjantai 19. helmikuuta 2010

Rick Warren, The Purpose Driven Life, Zondervan, 2002, p. 277

"Some have raised the question of whether we can receive valid information from x themselves. Demon is portrayed in the Bible as being who have personalities and intelligence, and as beings who can and do speak. They are also portrayed as deceivers. It must therefore be concluded that they do possess some valid information. The question then becomes: Does any of this valid information get communicated to us when they speak? Obviously so, but discernment is needed to process whatever we hear from them in order to separate truth from falsehood. I once heard Ed Murphy point out this very interesting fact: Every time the words of a demon are recorded in the New Testament, they speak the truth!

torstai 18. helmikuuta 2010

forces in Afghanistan will launch a new military operation later this year to get full control of Kandahar, the former "capital city" afghans have raised their flag over a bazaar badly damaged by fighting with Taliban militants in a major US-led offensive to drive out the Taliban from a southern Afghan town.

The leader of southern province Helmand, Governor Mohammad Gulab Mangal, toured the battlefield on the fifth day of the offensive but said Marjah had not yet been 'cleared' completely of militants nor the mines they had planted.

Shops and other buildings in the centre of the bazaar were badly damaged from fighting that has raged between troops and Taliban militants, and barbed wire sealed off roads believed to be heavily mined.

Asked by reporters how long it would be before the township, controlled for years by Taliban and drug lords, would be completely under government control, Mangal said troops were still active.

'From the military point of view, one cannot set an exact timeline but work to clear mines continues,' he said.

Shops on either side of the roads running though the bazaar were mostly closed and empty, and some were badly damaged in the fighting.

A few hundred metres along the road, troops had set up a barbed-wire cordon. Marines ordered a man who approached to lift his shirt and push up his sleeves to prove he was unarmed, before allowing him to approach.

The commander of the 4,400 Afghan forces taking part in Operation Mushtarak indicated it was too early to say Marjah had been taken.

Standing next to Mangal at the crossroads of the deserted bazaar, General Muhaiuddin Ghori, Afghan army commander in Helmand, said his men had entered the area three days ago.

'Right now we are in Loy Char,' he said, as he signalled to a trooper to raise the green, red and black Afghan flag on a long bamboo pole.

The soldier who raised the flag shouted: 'Allahu Akbar' (God is greater).

Marjah has been the focus of the operation launched by 15,000 Afghan, US and NATO forces on Saturday in the biggest test

An Afghan soldier who gave his name as Ismatullah said he entered the Marjah area on Sunday and saw many residents wounded from the fighting.

'They (the militants) were not allowing people to leave their homes. I myself saw lots of people who had been hit (in the fighting) because they were firing from people's homes and we were returning fire.

Mangal said no air strikes had been called in because Marjah 'is a residential area, people are there'.

tiistai 16. helmikuuta 2010


The term 'singularity' applied to intelligent machines refers to the idea that when intelligent machines can design intelligent machines smarter than themselves, it will cause an exponential growth in machine intelligence leading to a singularity of infinite (or at least extremely large) intelligence.

In particular, a software intelligence would essentially be immortal and so have no need to produce independent children that live on after it dies. It would thus have no evolutionary need for love-- it would, in the strictest sense

maanantai 15. helmikuuta 2010

US Marines and Afghan troops were bogged down by sniper fire and home-made bombs

The assault is led by the U.S. Marines, with British and Afghan troops also taking part in an overall force of about 7,500. The Marines in the area around Marjah, and the British in Nad Ali district to its east. Mullah Mohammed Omar (Pashto: ملا محمد عمر; born c. 1959) often simply called Mullah Omar, is the leader of the Taliban of Afghanistan and was Afghanistan's de facto head of state. Baradar is believed to favour negotiations. This might well explain his presence in Karachi


No one knows, but estimates have ranged from a few hundred to a thousand. Leaflet dropping during times of war is an ancient trick used to convince, the enemy actually cares about your well-being If “Success” is the word labeled for Operation “Mushtarak” when that outcome means agony, death, disfigurement and disablement for life for mostly young men, who were children just a few short years ago, then how can the definition of winning hearts and minds be such heinous atrocities, atrocities tied to Karzai, tied to America and her allies, tied to them and remembered for generations. Any disillusioned Afghan will profoundly consider recruitment into insurgency when a foreign invading army, with much better equipment and weaponry, is slaughtering the poorly equipped local tribesmen and their innocent families.”

On February 12th Operation “Mushtarak” meaning “together” in Farsi and Pashtu languages was launched jointly with both NATO and Afghan forces intended “to boost counterinsurgency and eliminate the Taliban embedded with the 80 thousand plus Pashtun inhabitants in Marjah and Nad-Ali districts of Helmand province.” What were they thinking?

As reported, the green light was approved by the unpopular and vote rigged Afghan President Hamed Karzai who has been telling us for years he is determined to purge corruption and presumably bringing peace and prosperity in Afghanistan. However, using the word “Mushtarak”, was it because the U.S. and its allies did not use a local Afghan name for their operations in the past nine years that failed miserably? The fact remains, any local or nonlocal naming conventions will not bear fruit when Afghans in their own homeland are treated as second class citizens.

Will a new name change things when the ideas behind it are old ones, ones that have, not only failed in their efforts, but have always made things worse, much worse.


Moreover, the main question remains; will the operation make a difference? Yes it will. It will harden the resolve of the Taliban and their sympathizers who will now become even more doggedly determined to rid the country of foreign forces no matter how long it takes. This is an unwinnable situation and no matter which US General is in charge.

The entire concept behind this operation is not “reality based.” This is theatre, and nothing more, but many of the players and much of the audience will suffer from this ill-fated production. I suspect they knew they were writing a tragedy from the beginning. None of us were fooled.

Practically thinking, engineering such flawed operation akin to what the Russians and British convened during their occupations of Afghanistan which resulted in failures of epochal proportions such that they are a stain on history itself must have escaped the attention of the US planners.



The people of Afghanistan resist foreign invasions, even if the “foreigner” is from a tribe 20 miles away. Everyone knows this. Calling people who fight back “taliban” so that the most powerful nation on earth can use weapons of mass destruction against them is a war crime.

If you break into someone’s home and they are armed, they will shoot you. The National Rifle Association says this is a basic American right. Welcome to Afghanistan, we invented this right!

Diverting an operational strategy from a safe and sound strategic path in an effort to reconcile with the militants in this manner is senseless. This is a futile effort by the U.S., and soon to be proven as an absolutely dysfunctional military approach which will bring about a far deadlier spring time militancy ramification.

Hundreds of Taliban fighters may be killed but in terms of neocolonialist occupation as perceived by the disenchanted Afghans, will only motivate hundreds more to join the cause. For every Taliban killed, 5 more will show up in weeks, maybe months. In years you will see 50 more.


If “Success” is the word labeled for Operation “Mushtarak” when that outcome means agony, death, disfigurement and disablement for life for mostly young men, who were children just a few short years ago, then how can the definition of winning hearts and minds be such heinous atrocities, atrocities tied to Karzai, tied to America and her allies, tied to them and remembered for generations.

Any disillusioned Afghan will profoundly consider recruitment into insurgency when a foreign invading army, with much better equipment and weaponry, is slaughtering the poorly equipped local tribesmen and their innocent families. This is only to save face in the name of the policy makers who don’t have the stomach to admit this pointless war is without any justification, and they cannot admit mistakes for fact that they will look bad, and therefore it is okay to resume killing.

In hindsight, Operation “Mushtarak” may be successful as a public relations exercise if reports of US-led forces’ casualties are kept to a minimum, but it will not be a long-term military success where the Taliban are too well adapted to the terrain with their guerilla tactics.

Similarly, it will be an outstanding success just as the same types of operations in Vietnam where huge “search and destroy” operations, with high altitude aerial bombings, infantry units transported by helicopters, as well as ground advances. Subsequently it was claimed the foe was driven away, but only to return later and continue their insurgency with much intense sophistication.

Furthermore, this appears to be another illusory “breakthrough” offensive to the similar failed said offensives of Vietnam War; NATO forces are dropping bombs and peanut butter, with the message, “resistance is futile,” a nation-building strategy with no historical precedent of success. The uncritical Western “hard news” needs to stop questioning merely tactics, and stop disseminating sanitized images. NATO nations need to start questioning whether this entire action is ethically and legally justified.

However, this notion proves that killing men is not going to kill an idea — whether it is good or bad — and the very act of war inspires those ideas that the West is trying to exonerate the world of. However, one can assert that there are alternatives to war. But it is a political stunt. There are upcoming U.S. senate elections this year, and there is general election in the UK. Of course, Obama and Brown desires are to look like war heroes.

As an Afghan born, I believe, even if the whole world is willing to sustain bankruptcy to transform Afghanistan into a capitalist or communist state, for that matter, it will fail miserably. With centuries old week central government, tribal imbalance and feud throughout the entire country, and the deep intertwined centuries old complexity, no outsider has yet understood this notion of Afghan tenacity.

Moreover, no amount of weapons and increasing number of troops are going to bring any success. As long as a single foreign soldier remains in Afghanistan there will be no peace or “success.” Evidently, in this long term NATO war, if peace was not achievable. Then one must refer to history and be cognoscente of the fact that a non-Muslin army in an Islamic country will never win “hearts and minds” and will always be seen as the aggressive occupier.

The only Afghan operation should be contemplated is to withdraw all foreign troops immediately, and refer back to the 1830’s second Afghan-Anglo war to define a similar exit strategy, which worked for another 100 plus years until Soviet occupation of Afghanistan in 1979.I've been following the buildup to this operation for about the last 4 weeks. Part of it has been a debate I've had with myself (and others) about the Military and Civilian "surge" plans. At first, I wanted to do an in-depth critique of both sides of the operation. But, I couldn't find all the info I wanted on the Civilian side of things

perjantai 12. helmikuuta 2010


“Elf sex is possibly the safest sex on earth. They don’t carry sexually transmitted diseases and you cant get pregnant or make an Elverine pregnant unless you both want to, which is not unheard of. And YES there are female elves, elverines. And they’re

torstai 11. helmikuuta 2010

besmooth, to me

Tommi Komulainen on 02/11/10 11:14:30

Must've missed something but seems to me that instead of following some people in Twitter, some in Qaiku, and some in Facebook you get to follow some people in Twitter, some in Qaiku, some in Facebook and some in Gmail.

Granted there's potential for people to gravitate towards Gmail but same could be argued about all the others as well.
Henri Bergius on 02/11/10 11:21:26

The APIs Google is building to Buzz enable it to work as "a hub" for different social networking environments. The whole thing seems to be based on common standards like social graph discovery (rel=me etc), Atom+Activity Streams and so forth.

We'll see if that happens, but at least I'm very interested in ensuring Qaiku and Buzz interoperate well.
Daniel Schildt on 02/11/10 11:40:54

Two way commenting is still missing from Buzz as comments made on items are not broadcasted back to original service(s). It will probably be implemented after a while.
Henri Bergius on 02/11/10 11:43:13

I'm just hacking up a quick experiment for pulling comments from Buzz back into my blog. We'll see how well that works. One issue is that the Buzz feed for items doesn't show where an item is coming from (this entry for instance only refers to Buzz, not to my blog), so only way to link them up is via titles.
Daniel Schildt on 02/11/10 11:49:51

Yes, that's problem at the current implementation of Buzz. Hopefully Google will make some sort of changes to make it more clear for people so that it wouldn't be so confusing for some people to notice where the content is coming from. Even then, content and conversations are going to cloud: instead of one location they will be distributed.
Marco Castellani on 02/11/10 12:15:35

Very good post.Just one thing; I tried yesterday Buzz from the iPod, and I remain deeply impressed about the geolocalization thing (one think that you do not experience from web). From mobile, I can see Buzzes (is it so?) from people in a very narrow range of space around me.. it was really a new experience.

For me, Buzz is following the old idea that was started with Jaiku on mobile, times ago...
Daniel Schildt on 02/11/10 12:20:22

Strangely, traditional email conversations (in Gmail's sense) changed to stream of semi-realtime conversations in form of Buzz. Google is finally learning how to do things right while there is still bugs and problems in the system.
Henri Bergius on 02/11/10 13:56:28

All right, somebodys blog is now automatically fetching Buzz about each blog post but not mine and showing it on site:

Code is here:

tiistai 9. helmikuuta 2010

sunnuntai 7. helmikuuta 2010

torstai 4. helmikuuta 2010

it will be quite interesting to see what people think about macs boook, and what reaction they have to it. It is relatively short, but the main gist of what Mac had to say is in there. It is just very unfortunate he did not have the time to develop some of the concepts within it more fully and deeply, or with footnotes to alternative sources and related texts which bear on his ideas. Hopefully others will be able to reevaluate the standard ETH as a result and create further extrapolations derived from his last work.
I also think it should be remembered that Mac did not necessarily believe outright or assume the cryptoterrestrials were a physically real, prehuman species in some senses--although his book does suggest that fairly directly, which may have been done to appeal to the general reading audience--his original ideas were primarily a thought experiment intended to both address the flaws of the first-level interpretation of the ETH, and as a means to open and broaden alternative thinking and discussion of the usual concept of "the other," as being possibly other than extraterrestrial.

While I ended up a bit disappointed and disagreeing with his proposed idea that the cryptoterrestrials are an actual race of advanced humanoid beings in decline due to some unknown genetic malady (I tend to favor the Vallee-ian concept that “they” may be intermediary representations or transcultural, informational agents designed to sync with our cultural expectations and psychological need for some degree of physiological familiarity or relatedness, more akin to synthesized "puppets" with some unseen "puppet masters" orchestrating encounters from behind the scenes, and which themselves may be transcorporeal, extradimensional or energy-based, shape-shifting entities or very advanced nonhumanoid beings of some kind, which may or may not be earth-bound, partially due to the wide variety of humanoid and other morphologies historically observed over time), I would submit that it may be preferable to consider Mac's hypotheses as speculative and meditative in nature, or metaphorical in intent, by which a deeper reconsideration and analysis of the ETH, and rational alternatives, can be both developed and investigated.

If his book is understood as such, and can help prompt a revision in conceptualizing "the other," it will be an intellectual and philosophical success.

It may be that Mac interpreting the "other" as a kind of genuine, prehuman or very advanced, parallel humanoid species from or resident on our planet, could be seen as a kind of literary device or simplifying mechanism (or as John Mack might have posited, a sort of reified metaphor), so that the beginning of a serious meta-level reorientation and reevaluation might transpire.

I could be wrong about that wishful interpretation, as Mac and I never had the opportunity to discuss it, since we were out of touch in the last few months before his death, and even though I did offer a few times to debate this idea with him, he chose not to, and I can only assume he may have felt that such an extension or revision of his concepts was too esoteric, ambiguous, or far-fetched to advance the preliminary discussion he hoped for in real or concrete terms, which may be true.

That said, as a friend, I still miss Mac more than I can properly express or even clearly understand, perhaps in part because I always found him to be one of the most curiously adept and flexible intellects with whom to seriously debate these kinds of ideas with and now will no longer be able to.

stan in posthumanblues postcomment

* Ancestors

[edit] Aztec

* Xolotl

[edit] Celtic

* Ankou
* Epona
* Gwyn ap Nudd
* Manannán mac Lir
* Santa Compaña

[edit] Christianity

* Angels
* St. Michael (an archangel)
* St. Peter (an Apostle)
* John the Baptist
* Azrael (an angel of death)

[edit] Egyptian

* Anubis
* Horus
* Neith

[edit] Etruscan

* Charun
* Turms

The Barque of Charon, Sleep, Night and Morpheus, by Luca Giordano.
[edit] Greek

* Charon
* Hecate
* Hermes
* Morpheus
* Thánatos

[edit] Hinduism

* Agni
* Pushan

[edit] Inuit

* Anguta
* Pinga

[edit] Islam

* Azrael

[edit] Japanese

* Shinigami

[edit] Judaism

* Abraham
* The angel Gabriel (an archangel)
* Lailah
* Elijah/Sandalphon (an archangel)

[edit] Korean

* Jeoseung Saja

[edit] Mayan

* Ixtab

[edit] Mesopotamian

* Namtar

Valkyries of Norse mythology, as depicted by Peter Nicolai Arbo, 1869.
[edit] Native American

* Muut

[edit] Norse

* Freyja
* Odin
* Valkyries

[edit] Persian

* Mithra

[edit] Polynesian

* Aumakua

[edit] Roman

* Mercury

[edit] Slavic

* Volos

[edit] Vodun

* Guédé

[edit] Zoroastrianism

* Daena
* Vohu Mano

[edit] Other

* Grim Reaper

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